Building methods are willing tools to create a house, a building, a bridge, etc. The quality of the expression is determined by the architect. The architect defines the concept and describes the final appearance and the experience. This intangible aspect of each building has a far reaching influence on how we live our life, how we experience our life and finally how we enjoy our life.
Organic architecture taps into the force of the immeasurable wisdom of nature, it’s economic use of forms and proportions, its reference to all life and the survival instinct to harmonise with the natural given environment and therefore goes graciously beyond pure functionality, rationally determined objectives and a ‘we rule the world’ attitude.
We are coming to an age where we knowingly and god- forbid unknowingly, demand a living environment that is more in line with who we truly are as human beings, children of God and stewards of this earth, waking up to the subversion to a materialistic matrix.
Organic architecture has the power to return us to free prosperous and united.
What is organic architecture?
Frank Lloyd Wright, the greatest architect that ever lived, has a way of describing the value that can be added by architecture and especially organic architecture in which Buildings are inspired by their natural environment and when realised, enhance the beauty and quality of their surrounding.
Just as a large old beech tree placed in the middle of a field, can enrich its environment, a well-designed building can add value to the interior space it encloses, as well as to the landscape in which it is placed. Durability and happiness are often weighed on the material elements of a construction while they only gain their value when the third, the invisible aspect, it being beauty and harmony, has been answered.
That is why architecture, and in this case organic architecture inspired in part by e.g. FLW, is the essential factor of my projects, where the insights gained in the design, now serves as inspiration for a heart-pleasing buildings.