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A comprehensive guide with 5 easy steps towards realising your community centre
You might have been looking for an architect for a long time and didn't know how or where. Maybe this is your chance to realise your vision for a community building or your family home.
In this particular case we manage the process all together resulting in a quality product.
It takes a little bit of homework from your site to let me in on the details of your group, your vision, specifics of the location and get a sense of the scope of the project.
From there on you let me do what I do best and what I was born to do thus creating a win-win situation for both of us.
In many cases it may be necessary to have a chat via Skype or otherwise to discuss the details and craft a plan.
community groups
step 1.
Start a group, or gather your existing community to set out on the adventure of creating a new community centre
Decide that you would like to build your own home as a sacred dwelling for your family
step 2.
Here you gather the people of your new group and invite them to start imagining all the activities that they would like to see in one building and enliven your dreams with pictures articles, video’s, drawings etc.
step 3.
The spot for the centre turns out to be an extremely important aspect of the whole process because as soon as the land is know and available, it can start functioning as a gathering place and can start inspiring all the community members towards the actual building.
step 4.
What will I provide:
Raising the money can become a very powerful tool to strengthen the community if you allow everyone to participate in the process. The financing then becomes the transcendental instrument that draws the collectively held vision to the physical plain.
As soon as you and your group are ready to engage in a proces of designing and building a community centre, I will become the contact point for your group to coordinate the proces, guide you through the procedures, manage the design proces and gather a team of professionals to realise the necessary steps of the realisation of the design and the building of the design proces.
Share all the steps and products of the designproces
Produce all documents for the permits
Produce all the drawings for the construction
communicate with you as customer and the municipalities