A short biography
I was educated at the Delft University of Technology in architectural engineering and design. After 5 years of study, I left for the United States and started my design build company. I realised projects of various size and complexity.
After 10 years of working experience in the United States, I returned to the Netherlands to finish my Masters Degree. My masters project was the design of a temple.
Back in the Netherlands, I opened my own architectural firm with staff and did a number of large national and international projects. (largest budget € 26.000.000)
In 2008 during the financial crisis, I lost all my revenue and with that my office and faithful employees. As a lone architect, I continued my practice until 2012. By then the bank had taken all my belongings and my house.
I moved to Belize (Central America) and took over an architectural practice of a retiring suisse architect. In the end he could not let go, so I had to move on.
A bit disillusioned, In 2017 I finally settled in France in the Creuse and have been doing mostly remodellings for Dutch clients.

My Qualities:
-an experienced architect
-advanced computer skills
-finder of creative solutions
-sustainability expert
-refined leader skills
-good project manager
-lots of hands-on building experience